Directory aims to help legal operations professionals find service providers, solutions and technology

The Corporate Legal Operations Consortium has launched a new directory to support in-house counsel in their search for an ever-increasing number of service providers.
In response to feedback from members looking for a simpler way to find support and drive down costs in legal departments - together with a rapidly increasing number of services, software vendors and solutions on offer - CLOC developed the directory for members and the wider legal ops community. The directory aims to help bring suppliers and buyers together in North America and around the world.
“As legal operations professionals, we have to engage so many different types of providers and software companies and experts that often we don’t know where to start, so we’re hoping this gives everyone a list of providers that play in that area,” says Mary O’Carroll, CLOC president and director of legal operations at Google.
“A few years ago, you could keep track of providers off the top of your head but now we’re hearing about new offerings on a daily basis. So we thought it would be a great idea to put together this directory to allow providers to put themselves out there and for legal ops professionals to have a comprehensive list,” she adds.
The directory at was launched on January 13, 2020, to provide a resource for locating a wide range of services to support legal departments, including artificial intelligence, compliance software, outside counsel management, translation services, document management and legal staffing. According to O’Carroll, vendors providing contract management and contract automation are currently in high demand from members.
Buyers may list their categories and contact details for a fee. The resource will enable users to find the right industry thought leaders and experts to help streamline legal department operations and therefore improve efficiencies and ROI.
While the current focus is on providing a simple solution for finding varied services, CLOC is also considering adding additional features in the future, such as a system for users to rate service providers.
“As the directory develops and we get feedback, we will look at other features we can add in the long-term,” says O’Carroll.