This week’s update on resources shared by law firms addressing the COVID-19 crisis

Law firms across Canada are sharing their insights on how to deal with the rapidly evolving economic and legal landscape due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a roundup of some of these resources.
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
In “COVID-19 and your environmental obligations,” the firm recommended that businesses continue keeping track of environmental obligations, given that the deadlines for complying with such obligations have not necessarily been suspended. Businesses can also consider filing a request for extension, if necessary.
Other resources:
- The Economic Impact of COVID-19: Practical strategies for Canadian businesses
- COVID-19: Raising capital in the current Canadian private market
- COVID-19: issues for the Canadian oil & gas industry
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
In “Personal Estate Planning & Planning Opportunities In The Time Of Covid-19,” Fasken encouraged people to seize this opportunity to prepare documents that may give them peace of mind during these turbulent times: wills, trusts, enduring power of attorney documents and health care representation agreements.
Other resources:
- Canadian Health Sector: Updates Related to COVID-19 in March 2020
- Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Era: Important Tips for Sponsors and Research Institutions
- What About My Deadlines at CIPO During the Pandemic? The Canadian Intellectual Property Office Extends IP Related Deadlines to May 1st & Offers An FAQ Page to Answer Your Patent Questions
Gowling WLG
Gowling released a guide addressing the possible legal issues now facing commercial landlords. For instance, the guide explained how the passage of Bill C-13, the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act, may benefit landlords.
Other resources:
- COVID-19 : Priority services and restrictions affecting eight Quebec regions
- Returning to practice during COVID-19: Professional liability considerations
- Covid-19, Employment Insurance and supplemental benefits
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
In “Pandemic dangers: Properly managing work refusals in Canada today,” the firm explained the rules governing work refusals and how these rules apply to the current situation, given that many employees are now teleworking.
Other resources:
- Managing a corporation in a pandemic: How directors and officers can fulfill their duties and limit risk
- Preliminary analysis of the new Canada Emergency Response Benefit Act
- 10 tips to manage environmental risk during uncertain times
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
The firm hosted a webinar this month which explored the ways in which business leaders can prepare their businesses to properly deal with the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
Other resources:
- Lobbying in the time of COVID-19 — the rules still apply
- Tax Measures Under Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
- COVID-19: Canadian Government Can Now Use Patented Inventions to Respond to the Public Health Emergency
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
In “Keeping Cyber-Safe During the COVID-19 Outbreak,” the firm warned against the increased risks that may come with the adoption of remote working arrangements, such as phishing attacks and business email compromise.
Other resources:
- OSFI Announces Further Actions in Response to COVID-19
- Ontario’s Supply Chain Response to COVID-19
- FINTRAC Issues COVID-19 Guidance to Reporting Entities
Miller Thomson LLP
In “Can condo corporations prohibit short-term rentals during the COVID-19 pandemic?” the firm discussed how the invocation of s. 117 of the Condominium Act, 1998, SO 1998, c. 19 may help condominium corporations prevent short-term rentals in these times.
Other resources:
- On the front line: Keeping supply chains moving despite COVID-19
- COVID-19: Exemptions: Hours of services; TDG; Quebec spring thaw weight restrictions
- COVID-19 and Construction Contracts
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
In “Restaurant franchise systems – Tips for pivoting your business model to focus on delivery and take-out during dine-in prohibitions,” the firm discussed the short-term and long-term legal and commercial issues that may arise as restaurants increasingly transition to a new business model more centred on delivery and take-out options.
Other resources:
- Government COVID-19 response includes compulsory licences for patented emergency medical needs
- Franchise disclosure obligations during a pandemic
- COVID-19 and intellectual property
Dentons Canada LLP
In “Amendments to the Canada Labour Code: What a federally regulated employer must know,” the firm discussed the changes to the legislation in relation to leave entitlements. These amendments are expected to impact banks, airlines, telecommunications companies and other employers regulated by the federal government.
Other resources:
- Delay and frustration: COVID-19’s impact on the construction industry in Ontario
- Employment law issues in uncertain times: An update as of March 30, 2020
- Government procurement and COVID-19: Essential developments and key points for contractors and suppliers
Stikeman Elliott LLP
In “COVID-19: Market Developments in Banking and Finance,” the firm listed potential measures for parties to consider adopting if borrowers are dealing with liquidity issues due to the COVID-19 crisis. These measures include the deferral of amortization payments and the recasting of financial covenants.
Other resources:
- Current Considerations in Public M&A
- Remedies for COVID-19: Anticipating, Identifying and Dealing with Contractual Defaults
- COVID-19: Practical Considerations for Your Litigation, from Coast to Coast
Bennett Jones LLP
In “COVID-19—Mitigating Risks to Critical IT Projects and Services,” the firm recommended some key areas for organizations to focus on when seeking to reduce the possible risks to important information technology projects and services.
Other resources:
- Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy for Employers Impacted by COVID-19
- COVID-19 and Annual Shareholder Meetings: Update
- COVID-19 Class Actions Weekly Roundup
Torys LLP
In “COVID-19: managing material contracts in crisis,” the firm listed the important considerations that business leaders should address in order to have a better understanding of the consequences of the COVID-19 situation on their contractual rights and obligations.
Other resources: