CLOC’s inaugural Legal Innovation in Operations Project will also go ahead

The Corporate Legal Operations Consortium has opted to adopt a “virtual format” for the CLOC 2020 Vegas Institute.
CLOC had previously announced that, in light of the COVID-19 crisis, it would be cancelling the event, which had originally been scheduled for May 12 to May 14 in the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. It then said that it was searching for feasible alternatives.
“Above all things, CLOC is a community,” CLOC said in the update on its website. “And nothing is more important than keeping our community safe.”
CLOC more recently announced that it would be holding the event virtually instead, via a webinar format, beginning May 2020. With the help of in-house legal operations professionals, CLOC will create webinars, which can be accessed by its own members and by law firm participants within the CLOC community.
CLOC is also creating new resources such as how-to guides, which will help the members of the CLOC community as they look to expand their own legal operations practice.
CLOC’s inaugural Legal Innovation in Operations Project, a program it launched to honour law firms exhibiting exceptional innovation and design excellence in legal operations, will also be pushing through. While the original plan had been for representatives of the three chosen firms to give an individual “TED-style talk” then participate in a group discussion, CLOC has instead opted to feature each firm in an online webinar.
CLOC will be releasing more information regarding these webinars over the next few weeks. It also urged its members to look forward to next year’s Vegas Institute, which is scheduled for May 18 to May 20, 2021, also at Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas.