Today's update for courthouses across Canada

Courts across Canada are taking extraordinary measures to control the spread of the new coronavirus COVID-19. Below is a roundup of actions courts are taking across the country.
Federal Court of Appeal
Public and media access to remote hearings
In the court’s notice to the parties and to the profession dated Apr. 15, the court said that it has resumed the hearing of cases that are ready for determination via video-conference or teleconference or on the basis of written materials. If members of the public or of the media are seeking access to these remote hearings, they should send an email to [email protected], mentioning the name of the case to which they want access, the case number and its hearing date. The court will then reply with instructions for how to gain access. The court stresses that the Court’s Guidelines on Public and Media are applicable to these remote hearings. While the hearing is taking place, those attending the proceedings can’t take photos or screen captures and can’t broadcast or distribute recordings of the hearing, unless the court has approved such.
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Supreme Court
COVID-19: Frequently asked questions re: matters in the Supreme Court (General Division) — 3rd Edition
Since Premier Stephen McNeil has extended the state of emergency for the province, the court is continuing to heed the advice of public health authorities and to work with the department of justice for Nova Scotia to explore ways to expand the services available under the essential services model and to develop a virtual court. The virtual court pilot project successfully pushed through on Apr. 30, and the court hopes to soon provide more information regarding this project. The court then addressed some frequently asked questions relating to recent changes in court processes and procedures, the virtual court pilot project, date assignment conferences and the expected resumption of normal operations.
Territorial Court of Yukon and Small Claims Court
Notice to the profession and the public
This notice issued on May 1 updates the notices issued on Apr. 7 and Mar. 24. For the duration of the pandemic, document filings may be sent to [email protected]. The court then lists the steps