This week’s roundup of resources shared by law firms addressing the COVID-19 crisis

Law firms across Canada are sharing their insights on how to deal with the rapidly evolving economic and legal landscape due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is this week’s roundup of some of these resources.
McMillan LLP
In “Construction through COVID-19 in Canada: A Guideline for what each Province and Territory is Doing,” the firm covers permitted construction services, changes in construction-related deadlines and limitation periods and guidelines for health and safety practices for construction sites across provinces and territories.
Other resources:
- Cross-Country Check-In: COVID-19 and the Environment
- Government Expands Entitlement to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
- COVID-19: May 20th Update on the Impacts to Development Applications and Hearings
Miller Thomson LLP
In “Occupational health and safety tips for restarting your BC business,” the firm shares tips for B.C. companies to ensure the health and safety of their workers as their offices reopen.
Other resources:
- Public Hospital Advisory: date extended for hospital annual general meetings
- COVID-19 Financial Services Update: electronic chattel paper amendments to the PPSA come into force in Ontario
- Are you interested in decreasing the expense side of the balance sheet?: Ontario assessment appeal deadline extended to May 29, 2020
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
In “Litigation in the Tax Court post pandemic,” the firm gives an update on the timelines and protocols applicable to the Tax Court when it reopens and sheds light on the possible long-term effects of the pandemic on the Tax Court.
Other resources:
- Addressing COVID-19 in future contracts for your construction project
- Essential medicines access in a global pandemic: Impact of the voluntary remdesivir license in Canada
- Supply chain disruption: Planning for the long-term impact of the COVID-19 crisis
Dentons Canada LLP
In “The challenges of complying with corporate law in a socially distanced COVID-19 world,” the firm summarizes key aspects of the ministerial order issued by the Government of Alberta under the Public Health Act, as well as relevant practical guidance for organizations.
Other resources:
- COVID-19 Project Suspension Impact Checklist
- Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, foreign nationals in Canada may receive interim employment authorization while their inland work permit applications are pending
- COVID-19 relief programs: Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility
Bennett Jones LLP
In “Earnings Guidance in the Time of COVID-19,” the firm reminds reporting issuers to adhere to continuous disclosure obligations and to update any previously disclosed earnings guidance.
Other resources:
- Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Announced for Qualifying Commercial Property Owners and Small Business Tenants
- Overview of Real Estate Emergency Pandemic Measures
- The Stakes Are High in Global Trade, and Canada Should Help
Torys LLP
In “Canada’s LEEFF: a lifeline for large businesses to withstand the pandemic,” the firm discusses certain considerations for businesses that intend to take advantage of the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Other resources:
- 11 governance considerations for startup boards of directors during COVID-19
- COVID-19: potential liability of directors and officers of insolvent companies
- New COVID-19 government support for life sciences companies
Farris LLP
In “Virtual or Hybrid Shareholder Meetings During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” the firm explains virtual and hybrid shareholder meetings, which may be utilized by companies in light of government-imposed restrictions.
Other resources:
- Delaying Shareholder Meetings
- CSA Guidance on the Content of Continuous Disclosure Documents Relating to COVID-19
- CSA Relief Regarding the Timing and Delivery of Certain Filings
Lerners LLP
In “Litigation in the Age of COVID-19: A Personal Injury Lawyer’s Perspective,” plaintiff personal injury lawyer Andrew Murray explores the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the practice of law.
Other resources:
- What Family Lawyers Can Still Do (And What We Can Do That We Couldn’t Do Before)
- Ontario Divisional Court Dismisses Virtual Judicial Review of COVID-19 No-Visitor Policy in Sprague v Ontario
- How Can I Get Treatment For My Injuries During This COVID-19 Crisis
Blaney McMurtry LLP
In “Insurance Litigation in the Time of Physical Distancing,” the firm provides insight on the effect of the pandemic on insurance litigation and considers whether litigation files should be advanced or put on hold.
Other resources:
- Access to Justice in the Time of COVID-19: Lessons from Classical Antiquity
- Government Announces Details of Rent Assistance Program for Small Business Tenants
- Update - What you should know about Powers of Attorney and Substitute Decision Making
Smart & Biggar
In “COVID-19 Update: CIPO, Federal Courts, Health Canada,” the firm lists COVID-19-related updates on courts’ amendments to their operations, Health Canada’s response, and other regulatory developments.
Other resources:
- COVID-19 Update: Canadian Intellectual Property Office deadlines extended until June 1, 2020
- COVID-19 developments – federal government issues request for information for alternative suppliers for certain pharmaceuticals
- PMPRB News: “significant changes” to be made to draft pricing Guidelines
Torkin Manes LLP
In “COVID-19 Prompts Another Examination into Long-Term Care,” the firm notes that the independent commission into Ontario’s long-term care system, recently announced by the provincial government, should address overlooked limitations built into the long-term care system.
Other resources:
- Judge cuts bus driver's parenting time — and orders it take place outside — due to COVID-19 risks
- Chiropractors and COVID-19 – Advertising Complaints are on the Rise
- Practicing Pharmacy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: What You Need to Know
Lenczner Slaght
In “Counterfeiting and the Pandemic,” the firm writes about the notice of application filed by 3M, an international manufacturer of personal protective equipment, and suggests that the case may potentially deal with interesting price-gouging and IP-related issues.
Other resources:
- COVID-19 is the Justice System’s New R v Jordan: A Fireside Chat with the Honourable Chief Justice of Ontario George R. Strathy
- Court of Appeal Affirms Jurisdiction to Hear Appeals in Writing
- Pandemic Pandemonium: Anticipating and Mitigating Risk
Clyde & Co Canada LLP
In “COVID-19 Global: Arbitration and court impacts,” the firm gives an overview of the ways the COVID-19 outbreak has affected litigation and arbitration across various jurisdictions, including Canada.
Other resources:
- COVID-19 Global Insurance and Financial Services Regulatory Update
- COVID-19 Professional Services: Legal and practical issues in relation to client work
- Covid-19 Canada: Closing Arguments by Video Conference - The Show Must Go On
Bereskin & Parr LLP
In “When it is Suggested (Sarcastically?) That Injecting Disinfectant May Be a Cure for COVID-19, it May Be Time for a Primer on Claim Substantiation,” the firm talks about how regulators, such as the Competition Bureau, have dealt with false or misleading claims relating to COVID-19.
Other resources: