This week’s update on resources shared by law firms addressing the COVID-19 crisis

Law firms across Canada are sharing their insights on how to deal with the rapidly evolving economic and legal landscape due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a roundup of some of these resources.
Gowling WLG
In “Ontario moves June 1 greenhouse gas reporting deadline in response to COVID-19,” the firm covers the recent change introduced by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks regarding reporting deadlines for greenhouse gas emissions.
Other resources:
- Impact on property tax assessments timelines in Ontario in response to COVID-19
- CIPO update: Extension of designated days beyond June 1, 2020
- COVID-19: Canadian tax-relief
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
In “How COVID-19 has Accelerated the Move Away from Cash,” the firm describes recent trends in payment methods caused by the pandemic, regulatory changes to allow electronic payments, and possible problems arising from the reduced use of cash.
Other resources:
- Cows and Chickens are National Security - How the US CARES Act is Changing US Federal Government Procurement (and Export to Canada)
- Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF)
- Beyond COVID-19: Eleven Tips to Protect and Retain the Employees of Your Franchise Network
Stikeman Elliott LLP
In “COVID-19: A Roadmap for Navigating Return-to-Workplace Decisions,” the firm shares considerations for in-house legal teams in reopening their workplaces.
Other resources:
- Gradual Resumption of Activities in Québec: The Latest Developments
- CERB and CEWS: What Employers Need to Know About Canada’s Income Support Programs
- Exercising Business Judgment Through COVID-19
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
In “COVID-19: Recovery and Re-opening Tracker,” the firm gives an overview of updates on the recovery and the reopening of the economy as issued by governments at the federal, provincial and territorial levels.
Other resources:
- COVID-19: Available solutions to the challenges resulting from the current crisis and the different restructuring alternatives at your disposal
- CSA issues additional temporary relief to investment funds and non-investment fund issuers for certain regulatory filing deadlines
- FSRA issues new guidance for mortgage-based investments disrupted by COVID-19
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
In “Private M&A: An Updated Take on What Lies Ahead for 2020,” the firm sheds light on private M&A trends that it is monitoring in the context of the market slowdown.
Other resources:
- Montréal's Reopening of Retail Businesses: An Occupational Health and Safety Update
- COVID-19: Considerations for Returning to Work
- CRA Provides Temporary Relief from COVID-19 Cross-Border Tax Concerns
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
In “COVID-19, sports and waivers: How to limit the risk of legal liability in the ‘new normal’,” the firm considers how waivers may be used to limit the risk of liability, given that “return to play” directives may soon be implemented.
Other resources:
- COVID-19: Breaking developments and essential resources
- Electronic meetings of local government bodies during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Details announced on the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance program
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
In “Personal liability for corporate fraud: what you need to know,” the firm reminds corporations to continue being careful in protecting themselves against the heightened risk of fraudulent schemes amid the pandemic.
Other resources:
- COVID-19 Supply Council to advise Canadian government on pandemic-related critical supply chains
- Liquidity programs for Canadian businesses – Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility
- Additional government programs to support agribusinesses
McLennan Ross LLP
In “ABTraceTogether: Contact Tracing App in the Workplace,” the firm discusses legal considerations that arise in relation to the recent release of a mobile contact-tracing app by the Alberta government.
Other resources:
- COVID-19 Federal Economic Relief Measures
- Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program and Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility
- COVID-19 Developments in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Minden Gross LLP
In “Leasing: Updated Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance to assist more landlords and tenants,” the firm provides insight regarding the application process for the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance program and regarding the clarifying details given by the Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation.
Other resources:
- CMHC Updates on the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program from May 19
- Trademarks: Important Update on CIPO deadline extensions and COVID-19 - May Update
- Bill 190, the COVID-19 Response and Reforms to Modernize Ontario Act, 2020
Hull & Hull LLP
In “A Further Update on the Estate Arbitration and Litigation Management (EALM) Initiative,” the firm gives an update on this initiative to ensure that estate litigation matters keep progressing during the pandemic.
Other resources:
- “Modernizing Ontario”: Bill 190 and Amendments to Practice
- The Pandemic, Law, Technology, and Change
- Spring Cleaning for Your Estate Plan
Pitblado Law
In “COVID-19 and Business Re-Opening: Requirements for Businesses,” the firm goes into the requirements imposed by the Manitoba government for businesses to reopen, including social distancing measures, personal protective equipment and sanitized workplaces.
Other resources:
- Film Re-Opening and the Music Industry During COVID-19
- Videoconferencing Signings in Manitoba
- Manitoba Declares a State of Emergency - COVID-19
WeirFoulds LLP
In “Agreements of Purchase and Sale in the Time of COVID-19,” the firm suggests clauses for buyers and sellers to consider including in their agreements of purchase and sale in lieu of COVID-19-specific clauses.
Other resources:
- New Details Emerge about Ontario-Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program – but Questions Still Remain
- Planning Ahead in a COVID-19 World: Short and Long Term Considerations for Returning to an Office Workplace
- Back in Business? Strict Requirements and Other Considerations for Ontario Employers as Select Businesses are Permitted to Reopen
Wildeboer Dellelce LLP
In “Updated Ontario Emergency Order Expands Temporary Relief for Shareholder and Director Meetings,” the firm summarizes certain accommodations introduced by the Ontario government relating to shareholder meetings and director meetings.
Other resources:
- Ontario-Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program for Small Businesses
- Proxy Advisors Provide Update for 2020 Proxy Season
- BDC Capital Bridge Financing Program: COVID-19 Relief for Eligible Start-Ups
Harper Grey LLP
In “Worksafe BC Releases Industry Specific Guidelines for Reopening,” the firm lists the sectors affected by the industry-specific guidelines recently issued by the B.C. government.
Other resources: