This week’s update on resources shared by law firms addressing the COVID-19 crisis

Law firms across Canada are sharing their insights on how to deal with the rapidly evolving economic and legal landscape due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a roundup of some of these resources.
Gowling WLG
In “Navigating the changes to the CEWS – with flowchart,” Gowlings gives an overview of the key changes introduced by Bill C-20, which extends the duration of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy program and which widens its scope of application.
Other resources:
- Ontario: Toronto & Peel Region to enter Stage 3
- Indigenous consultation and Bill 197: Understanding the exemptions for Indigenous communities in Ontario’s EA reforms
- Ontario’s new environmental assessment program
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
In “British Columbia Introduces Plan for Repayment Framework for Unpaid Rent,” Fasken explains the repayment framework plan implemented by the B.C. government to assist landlords in recovering unpaid rent and utilities during the pandemic.
Other resources:
- Weekend Workplace Wrap-up on COVID-19 for July 31 - August 3, 2020
- The COVID Effect - Changes to Federal Government Procurements and Programs: Part 3
- Canadian Health Sector: COVID-19 Update
Stikeman Elliott LLP
In “The Importance of Financial Disclosure During COVID-19,” Stikeman Elliott describes the obligations of Canadian public companies to disclose certain information to their investors in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.
Other resources:
- UPDATE: Balancing the Workplace Scale: Bill 32 Enacts Employer-Friendly Changes to the Employment Standards Code and Labour Relations Code
- Ontario’s Bill 195: A New Framework for the Province’s COVID-19 Response Takes Effect
- Québec Reopens Most Sectors
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
In “Technology Governance in a Time of Crisis,” McCarthy Tétrault contributes to an international report on the responsible governance of contact-tracing technologies amid the pandemic.
Other resources:
- CEWS Update – Detailed Tax Commentary on the CEWS Amendments in Bill C-20
- Contact Tracing Applications Flatten the Curve and Raise Privacy Issues
- Alberta Announces Attractive 20% R&D Grant to Boost Tech Sector
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
In “No Mask, No Entry: Mandatory Mask Requirements Across Canada,” Blakes provides an interactive map to help navigate the various mandatory mask laws implemented across Canada.
Other resources:
- Foreign Investment in Canada: Time Periods May Be Extended Under New Legislation
- Government Proposes to Extend and Overhaul the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
- New Temporary Relief Measures for Supplemental Pension Plans in Quebec
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
In “Virtual discoveries 101: Eight tips for the COVID-19 age,” BLG shares tips on how to improve the virtual discovery experience amid the imposition of physical distancing protocols and remote meetings.
Other resources:
- COVID-19 - Provincial and territorial action plans for reopening
- Refunds and returns in the COVID-19 era
- COVID-19 Renders “Peaceful Enjoyment” impossible and relieves tenant from obligation to pay rent
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
In “Western Canada’s turn to cover up! Mandatory face-covering requirements and other health and safety measures in Alberta and British Columbia,” Norton Rose Fulbright sheds light on considerations for employers in Alberta and B.C. as they reopen their workplaces.
Other resources:
- Ontario’s enhanced emergency powers: What employers need to know about Bill 195
- The new Commercial Tenancies Protection Act (Alberta) – still a lot of uncertainty
- A broadening of CEWS: Revisions and updates to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
MLT Aikins LLP
In “‘Returning’ to Work in the Science and Technology Sector,” MLT Aikins identifies certain points for science and technology companies to keep in mind if they have decided to implement permanent remote working models.
Other resources:
- Alberta Government Proposes to Continue Remote Signing of Estate Planning Documents
- The COVID-19 10% Wage Subsidy
- Federal Government Announces COVID-19 Wage Subsidy
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
In “COVID-19 Impact: Notice to the Industry – Contractual Notice Provisions Require Strict Compliance,” Cassels Brock discusses the significance of contractual notice provisions in light of the expected increase in COVID-19-related claims in the construction industry.
Other resources:
- COVID-19 Impact: Proposed Relief for Issuers of Flow-Through Shares
- COVID-19 Impact: Ontario Ministry of Labour Releases Guidance on Safety at Work
- Bankruptcy and Insolvency in Canada: Rights and Considerations of an Insurer
Baker & McKenzie LLP
In “International: COVID-19 - Government Intervention Schemes Guide,” Baker McKenzie summarizes key government intervention measures across jurisdictions around the world with respect to foreign investment restrictions, debt, equity and taxation.
Other resources:
- What Do Employers Need to Consider When Reopening? (A Video Chat Series)
- International: COVID-19 - A capital time to tap the markets
​Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP
In “COVID-19: Class Actions Arising From a Pandemic,” the firm describes the rise of COVID-19-related class actions given the effects of the pandemic on businesses.
Dutton Law
In “Can Employer Force You To Come Back To Work? (COVID),” Dutton Law considers whether employers in Ontario can obligate their employees to come back to work.
Kane Shannon Weiler LLP
In “BC Introduces Streamlined COVID-19 Temporary Layoff Variance Application,” the firm enumerates the steps for filing joint applications to extend a temporary layoff pursuant to a variance to the B.C. Employment Standards Act.
Other resources:
- Proposed Changes To Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Program
- BC Government Proposes Costly Amendments to Workers Compensation System
Mann Lawyers LLP
In “Canada’s Care of Businesses During the COVID-19 Pandemic (updated July 31, 2020),” Mann Lawyers provides insight on the measures introduced by the federal government to help businesses get through the financial difficulties caused by the public health crisis.