This week’s update on resources shared by law firms addressing the COVID-19 crisis

Law firms across Canada are sharing their insights on how to deal with the rapidly evolving economic and legal landscape due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a roundup of some of these resources.
Gowling WLG
In “Supreme Court of Canada COVID-19 update: End of the suspension period,” Gowlings gives an update on the Supreme Court of Canada’s resumption of deadlines which were previously suspended in light of the public health crisis.
Other resources:
- Changing climate, changing duties: Shifting board liability and disclosure issues around climate change
- COVID-19: Guide to Federal and Provincial Relief Programs
- CIPO update: Final extension of designated days to August 24, 2020
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
In “An Overview of the Commission on COVID-19 within Long-Term Care in Ontario,” Fasken provides insight into the newly established Commission that is tasked with investigating the spread of the COVID-19 virus in long-term care facilities in Ontario.
Other resources:
- Preservation of Balance between Landlords and Tenants in light of COVID-19
- Weekly Workplace Wrap-up on COVID-19 for August 10 - 16, 2020
- New Updates from CMHC on the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance Program
Stikeman Elliott LLP
In “Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) Redesigned: Flexibility and Relief for Employers in the Months Ahead,” Stikeman Elliott summarizes the important changes to the subsidy program that supports employers affected by the pandemic.
Other resources:
- CBCA Shareholder Meeting Deadlines Extended by New Federal Order
- OBCA Corporations Reminded of Extended Annual Meeting Deadlines
- COVID-19 Update: CIPO To End Blanket Extensions of Office Deadlines as of August 21, 2020
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
In “The Nominee-Director Dilemma,” McCarthy Tétrault gives a refresher on the duties, responsibilities and liabilities of nominee directors and investors in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.
Other resources:
- COVID-19 Update: A Possible Exception to the End of BC’s COVID-19 Temporary Layoff Period
- Difficult Decisions May Be on the Horizon as Ontario’s Declaration of Emergency has Ended Effective July 24, 2020
- Building Trust Into COVID-19 Recovery: Ethical Data
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
In “Noteworthy Changes to Alberta Employment and Labour Standards Legislation,” Blakes writes about the key changes introduced by Alberta’s Bill 32.
Other resources:
- National Security Review Time Periods Temporarily Extended Under Investment Canada Act
- Tackling Employee Termination Entitlements
- Fall Pensions Webcast Series: Quebec Update: Temporary Relief Measures, Unclaimed Property, E-Communications and Governance in the COVID-19 Environment (French Only)
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
In “New COVID law allows delays in trade remedy proceedings, risks WTO violations,” BLG talks about the potential dangers of Bill C-20’s provisions, which give the power to extend the timelines for anti-dumping and countervailing duty proceedings.
Other resources:
- Smart cities roundtable part two: What's next for smart city technology
- Above and beyond: simply signing a waiver may not be enough
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
In “End of Ontario’s declared emergency is here: further considerations for employers flowing from Bill 195,” Norton Rose Fulbright touches upon certain areas of concern for employers in Ontario as the declared emergency comes to an end.
Other resources:
- IP monitor: CIPO COVID-19-related extension of deadlines ends August 24, 2020
- Canada’s spike in domestic violence and related employment considerations
Lawson Lundell LLP
In “COVID-19 & the Use of Force Majeure in Northern Canada,” Lawson Lundell discusses force majeure clauses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on travel restrictions.
Other resources:
- New Employment Standards Leaves for COVID-19 & Their Impact on Pension & Benefit Plans
- Bill C-20: Important Updates to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
- Unprecedented: Guiding Organizations Through COVID-19
Langlois lawyers, LLP
In “New investment opportunities for French and other foreign investors in Quebec,” Langlois describes how the COVID-19 crisis has affected the business and economic landscape in Quebec and what this means for foreign investors in the province.
Other resources:
- The Coronavirus Charter of Commitment: have you signed?
- The Superior Court weighs in on COVID-19 and force majeure
Field Law
In “COVID-19 and the Impact on the Cannabis Industry,” Field Law sheds light on how the public health crisis has affected cannabis businesses in Alberta.
Other resources:
- Working from Home: Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Update: Proposed Changes to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
Lerners LLP
In “Court orders are not ‘suggestions’ or ‘guidelines’ - even during a pandemic,” Lerners considers a recent case suggesting that courts may not readily forgive non-compliance for COVID-19-related reasons if the explanation is not supported by sufficient evidence.
Other resources:
- Canada COVID Alert App – Privacy Protected
- Aviva Denies Coverage to Businesses Hit Hard by COVID-19 Lerners Files Proposed Class Actions Against Aviva
Blaney McMurtry LLP
In “Estate planning during COVID-19: Four months later,” Blaney McMurtry analyzes how the pandemic has changed the area of estate planning law, like through legislative amendments allowing the remote signing of wills and powers of attorney.
Other resources:
- Blaneys’ Partner Bill Anderson quoted in Canadian Underwriter on how job-protected leaves could affect your brokerage’s re-opening plans
- Blaneys' Partner Jason Mangano speaks to Canadian Lawyer about how the insurance industry's response to the pandemic is developing rapidly
Smart & Biggar
In “COVID-19 Update: Final extension of Canadian Intellectual Property Office deadlines to August 24, 2020,” Smart & Biggar updates on the final extension of patent, trademark and industrial design deadlines on account of the COVID-19 crisis.
Other resources: