This week’s update on resources shared by law firms addressing the impact of COVID-19

Law firms across Canada continue to share their insights on the evolving legal and economic landscape resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a roundup of some of these resources.
McMillan LLP
In “COVID-19 Realities Push Ontario Government to Launch Public Consultation to Improve the Province's Privacy Laws,” McMillan describes the privacy-related discussion topics tabled by Ontario for public consultation.
Other resources:
- UPDATE - Prohibition of Entry into Canada to Minimize the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 - Travel Restrictions and Quarantine Requirements
- Canada Orders Temporary Extension of National Security Review Periods Under the Investment Canada Act
- And We're Back! OSFI Resumes IFRS 17 Initiatives
Miller Thomson LLP
In “Condo amenities reopening,” Miller Thomson discusses condominium amenities may be opened again in light of Ontario’s embarking on its third phase of reopening.
Other resources:
- COVID-19: Cross country update (August 24, 2020)
- COVID-19: Cross country update (August 20-21, 2020)
- Effective Workplace Strategies – The ‘New Normal’ Webinar Series Part III
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
In “Alberta fast-tracks infrastructure stimulus plan and spending,” Osler covers new developments in Alberta’s infrastructure industry and important considerations for those operating within this sector.
Other resources:
- What is the exact suspension start date for civil matters under Order in Council 2020-4251?
- Appellate courts’ response to COVID-19 (updated)
Dentons Canada LLP
In “Force Majeure: an overview of common law and civil law approaches, a brief look at recent domestic and US case law and where we are headed,” Dentons sheds light on the possible treatment of force majeure clauses in Canadian courts by reviewing recent domestic and U.S. cases.
Other resources:
- Second update: Personal guarantees in Alberta during the pandemic
- Court-ordered timelines must be respected, even in a pandemic: A discussion of Lima v Ventura (Estate of), 2020 ONSC 3278
- Retail: country-by-country summary of the impact of COVID-19 (updated Aug. 19)
Bennett Jones LLP
In “Remote Health Solutions in Canada and Israel—Here to Stay,” Bennett Jones describes how the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to digital health solutions such as remote diagnosis and remote monitoring.
Other resources:
- Me Too Defeats You Too in Tax Court
- John Manley on the Need for Some Normalcy in Canada's Economy
- Representation and Warranty Insurance 2020 Update
Torys LLP
In “How to reduce exposure associated with pandemic-related corporate misconduct,” Torys suggests steps for companies to manage the risk of corporate misconduct amid the public health crisis.
Other resource: COVID-19 triggers Canadian intellectual property deadline extensions until August 31, 2020
Torkin Manes LLP
In “Ontario’s Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission Launched Today,” Torkin Manes describes Ontario’s new independent commission investigating the spread of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities, as well as its mandate, membership and duties.
Other resources:
- How much is 'unconscionable'? Why a 2009 decision is suddenly relevant again in high-stakes Ontario separation cases
- No Free Lunch: Global Privacy Regulators Set Expectations of Video Teleconference Providers
Lenczner Slaght Royce Smith Griffin LLP
In “CaseLines: A Practical Overview,” Lenczner Slaght gives an overview of the new document sharing and e-hearing platform which will be gradually implemented across select courts in Ontario.
Bereskin & Parr LLP
In “Innovation Landscape Improving for Canadian Start-Ups (COVID-19 & IP Update),” Bereskin & Parr discusses the role of innovation in restarting the economy.
Other resources:
- The Show Must Go On: Canadian Academic Researchers Head Back to the Bench (COVID-19 & IP Update)
- AI in Focus: BlueDot and the Response to COVID-19
- Signing Contracts While Working Remotely: Use of Electronic Signatures During COVID-19 Pandemic
McLennan Ross LLP
In “McLennan Ross Update for Thursday (Aug. 13),” the firm addresses a ministerial order in Alberta that introduces changes to layoffs, group terminations and certain leave benefits, as well as mask bylaws in the province.
Minden Gross LLP
In “COVID-19 and Building Real Estate Back Up,” Minden Gross describes the effects of the pandemic on the real estate industry in Ontario and what may change as pandemic-related restrictions gradually ease.
Other resources: Clarity from the Federal Department of Justice in the form of the Time Limits and Other Periods Act (COVID-19)
Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP
In “COVID-19: Return-to-work best-practices: Key considerations for reopening physical workplaces,” TDS offers guidance to employers seeking to develop an appropriate COVID-19 return-to-work plan.
Other resource: Canada’s COVID-19 economic response plan regarding taxation
Hull & Hull LLP
In “Life Insurance During COVID-19,” Hull & Hull analyzes how the COVID-19 crisis has affected life insurance policies and estate planning.
Other resources: