Diana Iannetta has also worked for the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada

FP Canada™ has announced the appointment of Diana Iannetta, a Toronto-based lawyer, to its board of directors for 2020 to 2021.
Iannetta, currently vice president, Canadian litigation at TD Bank Group, has worked for the bank’s legal team since July 2019. She previously worked at the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada as associate general counsel, external relations.
For most of her career, Iannetta has focused her practice on securities law. She has worked as a lawyer for the firms of Stockwoods LLP and Groia & Company and as a summer student and articling student at Miller Thomson LLP. She has served as a part-time instructor for paralegal studies at Humber College.
Teresa Black Hughes, a financial advisor and director with RGF Integrated Wealth Management, was likewise appointed to the board of FP Canada. Brett Millard, chairperson of the board, said that the board would benefit from the experience and insights of these two new members.
“I look forward to working with them and the rest of the board as we focus on guiding the future of professional financial planning in Canada, in the interest of all Canadians,” said Millard.
FP Canada is a national professional body which seeks to advance the public interest and to promote financial wellness among Canadians. FP Canada’s board, presently composed of 11 persons from different backgrounds, aims to serve the interest of the Canadian public, certificants and other stakeholders and to ensure that FP Canada achieves its purpose and mandate. Board members may serve a maximum of two three-year terms.