Lexpert calls on the legal profession to recognize commitment and look to the future

Friday, Feb. 5, is the last day to nominate for the Canadian Law Awards 2021, celebrating the outstanding members of the legal profession.
Time is quickly running out, so we encourage you to nominate soon for the 26 award categories open to leading law firms, in-house legal teams, individuals, and landmark deals and cases over the past year. The online nomination process is straightforward and free.
Finalists will be announced in Lexpert and supporting publications Canadian Lawyer and InHouse in March and April 2021.
Winners will be selected by an esteemed independent judging panel and revealed virtually on May 20, 2021. Winners will also be featured in extensive profile-raising media coverage, including the annual Lexpert Special Edition on the Canadian Law Awards.
We look forward to your nominations and spotlighting your amazing achievements.