Helping clients get their wills and estate planning in order kept our winners busy during a pandemic

The winners of this year’s top 10 boutiques survey in the wills, trusts and estates category had a lot to deal with this year.
The Covid-19 pandemic had many clients wondering what they should be doing to get their affairs in order should they happen to fall ill, or even worse. Lawyers have always stressed the importance of estate planning, but over the past year, more clients and their family members took that advice to heart.
Add to this the inability to have in-person meetings, figuring out ways to carry on business virtually while providing stellar service kept lawyers at our top firms busy.
The pandemic also brought into focus some of the shortcomings of long-term care for ailing seniors. And with that came some conflict between family members trying to determine the best care for their loved ones, which often meant talking to lawyers.
This year’s winners included Schnurr Kirsh Oelbaum Tator LLP, Casey & Moss LLP, de VRIES LITIGATION LLP, Hull & Hull LLP, and Horne Coupar LLP.
Canadian Lawyer raises a glass to all this year’s winners! The full list of can be found here.