Online sessions now open for registration

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Autumn is upon us and ChildView Inc. is hosting its fall crop of workshops. These sessions are now open for registration — and are being held live via Zoom.
Last year ChildView announced that given the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation, and with the health and safety of their participants in mind, they made the very difficult decision to post-pone their in-person workshops. They will consider rescheduling them at a later date once it’s safe to do so, but in the meantime, as always their unlimited toll free support is available to answer any child and spousal support questions their users may have.
Hosting the sessions online has the added benefit of being able to schedule them on a more frequent basis, with this round of workshops running from September through to the end of November. Note that space is limited and filled on a first come, first served basis. The sessions — which qualify for CPD hours in Saskatchewan and may also qualify in Manitoba, New Brunswick and other provinces — are already filling up.
Much of the information provided is not software specific. Participants, who may be using software other than ChildView, have still obtained a lot of valuable insight into the child and spousal support calculations and possible resulting tax and financial issues. Access to the ChildView software is provided if necessary.
For the full-day session, “Introduction to Tax, Tools and Calculations”, a desire to learn is the only prerequisite — although some familiarity with ChildView is helpful.
The session provides an overview of the decisions and calculations in the Child Support Guidelines using the ChildView program as a calculation tool and delves into:
- an in-depth discussion of the interrelationship between the Guidelines and accounting/tax principles, laws and calculations;
- the determination of income under the Child Support Guidelines; and
- the application and calculations of child support under section 7 - special expenses.
The session helps participants stay current with tax changes that affect family law, and provides an opportunity to gain hands-on experience doing Guideline calculations of various complexities using the ChildView program.
ChildView also offers two half-day sessions, tackling the topics of “Income Determination” and “Spousal Support.”
For the former, topics include:
- self-employment income (section 16 with schedule III adjustments);
- a discussion of the pattern of income (section 17) and its application;
- imputing income where a corporation is involved;
- imputing pre-tax income from a cash based source; and
- analysis of case scenarios using source documents such as financial statements and income tax returns.
The use of hypothetical cases and the ChildView program highlight the calculations and allow participants to gain hands-on experience.
For this session, previous attendance at an “Introduction to Tax, Tools and Calculations” session or equivalent level of knowledge regarding the tax and Guideline issues presented in that full day session is required.
The “Spousal Support” session includes a discussion of the requirements for taxable and tax deductible support under the Income Tax Act (ITA). An in-depth look at the calculations under the "Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines" (SSAG) is made using the ChildView Spousal Support Advisory Guideline Calculator to explore the details. Spousal support alternatives are further explored and discussed using the ChildView "Spousal Support Analyzer” and the ChildView “Lump sum Payment Calculator.”
As with the “Income Determination” session, this one also makes use of hypothetical cases to gain hands-on experience and requires participants to have attended an “Introduction to Tax, Tools and Calculations” session or have an equivalent level of knowledge of the tax issues involved.
To learn more, reach out to [email protected], visit the Workshops section of the website or keep an eye on the Current Sessions page for available dates and registration information.