Our winners represent the top tier of who to go to for legal products and services

You need an edge when running a law practice, and our Readers’ Choice for 2021 can help you get there.
The legal sector is undergoing some incredible changes, much of it thanks to COVD-19 and how it has made us all more reliant on technology to get things done.
The result is that law firms of all sizes are looking at what vendors can do to make their practices work smarter and more efficiently.
So, on our list you’ll see a lot of familiar names, along with some not-so-familiar ones, providing products and services to lawyers ranging from legal research tools, dictation and transcription services, litigation loans, title insurance and a host of software solutions for specific areas of law.
The fact that many of these vendors have been on our Readers’ Choice list for a long time is a sign of how these firms have won a place in the hearts and minds of survey respondents.
Now it’s time to reveal our winners. Canadian Lawyer congratulates them all! The full list of winners can be found here