Polley Faith, Stockwoods Barristers in 24-million-dollar case this week

Cassels Brock & Blackwell partner John Picone and Teplitsky, Colson partner David Altshuller represented several plaintiffs in the $50-million case, Fakih et al v. AHM Investments Corporation et al, that leads this week’s Commercial List roundup.
$50-million and $24-million commercial cases
Among the commercial cases heard this week in Toronto, the most notable case is Fakih et al v. AHM Investments Corporation et al with a concerned amount of $50 million. John Picone of Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP represented several plaintiffs in the action. Picone’s practice focuses on complex securities, corporate, and commercial litigation, with an emphasis on shareholder disputes, class actions, and regulatory proceedings. Other plaintiffs were represented by David Altshuller of Teplitsky, Colson LLP. Altshuller has a broad corporate/commercial litigation practice with an emphasis on franchise disputes, estate matters, and shareholder disputes.
Another notable case is Mode et al v. Canopy Growth Corporation et al with a concerned amount of over $24 million. Plaintiffs C. Mode and several others were represented by Polley Faith LLP partner Andrew Faith. Faith regularly assists in complex commercial, regulatory, insolvency and white-collar criminal litigation and appeals. Respondent Canopy Growth Corporation was represented by Stockwoods LLP Barristers partner Luisa Ritacca. Ritacca’s practice encompasses a wide variety of areas, including administrative law; professional regulation; and general civil and commercial litigation.
Thornton Grout Finnigan appeared in four cases
Deborah Palter represented P. Henry and several others in 2399544 Ontario Inc. v. Henry et al. Palter’s broad commercial practice includes complex commercial agreements, director and officer liability, banking litigation, commercial real estate disputes, fraud claims, shareholder and partnership disputes, and securities-related matters.
Puya Fesharaki represented applicant Boreal Capital Partners Ltd. and several others in Boreal Capital Partners Ltd. et al v. Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company et al, applicant Farm Credit Canada in Farm Credit Canada v. Aqua Greens Inc., and applicant HSBC Bank Canada in HSBC Bank Canada v. LSI Logistix Canada Inc. et al. Fesharaki’s practice focuses on corporate restructuring and insolvency
Borden Ladner Gervais in court three times
Douglas Smith, partner, represented applicant BMO Harris Bank N.A. in BMO Harris Bank N.A. v. Hassanally. Smith’s civil litigation practice includes governmental and police liability, banking insurance litigation, product liability, administrative and regulatory law, and health law and commercial litigation practice covering contract disputes, commercial insolvency, priority disputes, and general bankruptcy and insolvency matters.
James Douglas, senior counsel, represented respondent Y. Liu and several others in Shen et al v. Liu et al. Douglas’ practice focuses on securities litigation and regulation, including shareholder disputes, shareholders’ class actions, M&A litigation, broker liability suits, regulatory proceedings, criminal prosecutions and related internal investigations.
James MacLellan, partner, represented respondent Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company in Boreal Capital Partners Ltd. et al v. Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company et al. MacLellan’s practice focuses on construction and surety bonding issues. He spends the majority of his practice advising sureties on complex insolvency and risk mitigation matters.
Gowling WLG (Canada) appeared in three cases
Nicholas Kluge, partner, represented applicant Johnson Controls BE Ltd. in Johnson Controls BE Ltd. as general partner on behalf of Johnson Controls Canada LP v. PCL Constructors Canada Inc. Kluge’s practice includes product liability defence, class actions, insolvency, financial services and capital markets litigation, including representing Canadian and multinational corporations in significant consumer, corporate and commercial litigation and cross-border restructurings.
David Lobl, partner, represented respondent Niazi Holdings Inc. and one other in Aiello v. Niazi Holdings Inc. et al. Lobl’s practice is focused on contentious estate, trust and capacity matters, including estate administration, fiduciary, estate and capacity litigation and alternative dispute resolution.
Elizabeth Kurz, associate, represented applicant Johnson Controls Canada LP in Johnson Controls Canada LP v. PCL Constructors Canada Inc. Kurz’s broad litigation practice encompasses contractual disputes, shareholder disputes, construction disputes, class actions, and insurance defence.
McCarthy Tétrault appeared in three cases
Eli Mogil, partner, represented respondent The Bank Of New York Mellon Corporation and several others in SS&C Technologies Canada Corp. v. The Bank Of New York Mellon Corporation et al. Mogil’s practice with particular emphasis on shareholder, contractual and real estate disputes.
Jessica Mank, associate, represented applicant Harbourfront Corporation (1990) in Harbourfront Corporation (1990) v. The Art Gallery at Harbourfront. Mank’s practice includes commercial cases, class actions, regulatory proceedings and professional liability. Jessica represents both individuals and corporations in complex, high-stakes disputes.
Niels Ortved, counsel, represented plaintiff Degroote and his litigation guardian, James Alexander Watt in Degroote, by his litigation guardian, James Alexander Watt v. DC Entertainment Corporation et al. Ortved focuses on commercial, medical malpractice, administrative and criminal litigation.
Miller Thomson in three commercial cases
Bobby Sachdeva, partner, represented respondent J. Bowman and several others in Boreal Capital Partners Ltd. et al v. Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company et al. Sachdeva’s practice focuses on commercial disputes and insolvency & restructuring.
Jeremy Sacks, partner, represented plaintiff Downing Street Finanial Inc. and several others in The Fuller Landau Group Inc. et al v. 994697 Ontario Inc et al. Sacks has a broad range of commercial litigation, with expertise in construction and real estate matters, breach of contract, and shareholder disputes.
James Zibarras, partner, represented plaintiff 2Source Manufacturing Inc. in 2Source Manufacturing Inc. v. Messier-Dowty Inc. et al. Zibarras has extensive experience in civil litigation.