Two separate actions in Stronach commercial case in court three times each this week

Two separate Stronach v. Stronach et al actions were heard by the Commercial List court three times each this week, with one featuring Henein Hutchinson LLP, Goodmans LLP, and Torys LLP and the other involving Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, and Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, along with Goodmans.
Cassels Brock & Blackwell appeared in two cases
Ryan Jacobs, partner, represented applicant Kingsett Mortgage Corporation in Kingsett Mortgage Corporation v. Sunrise Acquisitions (HWY 7) Inc. Jacobs has developed a leading cross-border restructuring practice in Canada, having acted on behalf of ad hoc and official creditor groups, debtors, DIP Lenders, boards, institutional and distress investors, bidders and stalking-horse purchasers and other interested parties across a broad spectrum of industries.
Natalie Levine, partner, represented plaintiff Sungard Availability in Sungard Availability Services (Canada Ltd./Sungard, Services de Continuite des Affaires (Canada) LTEE v. Digital Toronto Nominee, Inc. et al. Levine’s practice focuses on corporate restructurings with an emphasis on debtors, DIP lenders and informal committees in cross-border proceedings, encompassing a variety of industries including mining, oil and gas, retail, manufacturing, transportation and entertainment.
Goodmans represented same parties in two separate actions
Alan Mark, partner, represented F. Walker and several others in Stronach v. Stronach et al. Mark’s corporate/commercial litigation practice encompasses all manner of business disputes with a focus on corporate governance, corporate finance, securities, financial services, and restructuring and insolvency.
Melanie Ouanounou, partner, represented F. Walker and one other in a separate Stronach v. Stronach et al case. Ouanounou’s commercial and class action defence litigation practices encompass a wide variety of business disputes with a focus on securities litigation, contract disputes, product liability and plans of arrangement.
Stikeman Elliott in court twice
Maria Konyukhova, partner, represented Independent Electricity System Operator in Sungard Availability Services (Canada Ltd./Sungard, Services de Continuite des Affaires (Canada) LTEE v. Digital Toronto Nominee, Inc. et al. Konyukhova practices exclusively in the area of insolvency law, representing debtors, court appointed monitors, court officers, secured lenders and purchasers.
Alexander Rose, partner, represented applicant Centerra Gold Inc. in Centerra Gold Inc. v. Gebre LLC et al. Rose’s practice focuses on complex commercial litigation, including securities litigation; litigation relating to oppression, takeover bids, proxy contests and other types of shareholder disputes; arbitration; and restructuring and insolvency proceedings.