Thornton Grout Finnigan appeared in two additional Commercial List cases this week

Stikeman Elliott LLP, Thornton Grout Finnigan LLP, and Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP were involved in two multimillion-dollar cases against Deloitte LLP and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP before the Commercial List this week – one concerning $500 million, and the other, $350 million.
Two multimillion-dollar cases heard this week
Topping the roundup is Bondfield Construction Company Limited, Through Its Litigation Trustee, Terrence O’Sullivan v. Deloitte LLP et al with a concerned amount of $500 million. The plaintiff was represented by Stikeman Elliott partner Peter Howard. Respondent Deloitte LLP is represented by Thornton Grout Finnigan partner John L. Finnigan. Respondent PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is represented by Fasken Martineau DuMoulin partner Kimberly Potter.
Another notable case was Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. v. Deloitte LLP et al with a concerned amount of $350 million. The plaintiff was represented by Stikeman Elliott partner Peter Howard while respondent Deloitte LLP was represented by Thornton Grout Finnigan partner John L. Finnigan. Respondent PricewaterhouseCoopersI was again represented by Fasken Martineau DuMoulin partner Kimberly Potter.
Thornton Grout Finnigan appeared in four cases
Adam Driedger represented applicant PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. in PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. v. Mjardin Group, Inc. et al. Driedger is an associate in the restructuring and insolvency group and is involved in various mandates representing public and private companies, creditors, court officers, and various other stakeholders in domestic and cross-border insolvency proceedings.
Puya Fesharaki represented applicant Boreal Capital Partners Ltd. and several others in Boreal Capital Partners Ltd. et al v. Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company et al. Fesharaki practices exclusively in corporate restructuring and insolvency, acting for debtors, lenders and court officers in complex domestic and cross-border restructurings and insolvencies.
John L. Finnigan represented defendant Deloitte in Bondfield Construction Company Limited, Through Its Litigation Trustee, Terrence O'sullivan v. Deloitte LLP et al and Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. v. Deloitte LLP et al. Finnigan has a broad practice in complex commercial litigation with significant experience in insolvency and restructuring litigation.
Borden Ladner Gervais in three Commercial List cases
James Maclellan, partner, represented respondent Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company in Boreal Capital Partners Ltd. et al v. Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company et al. Maclellan’s practice focuses on construction and surety bonding issues. He spends the majority of his practice advising sureties on complex insolvency and risk mitigation matters.
Brendan Wong, partner, represented plaintiff First Generation Capital Inc. and one other in First Generation Capital Inc. et al v. Dunal et al. Wong’s commercial litigation practice focuses on shareholder and partnership litigation, injunctions, anti-fraud litigation, and banking litigation.
James Douglas, senior counsel, represented Kinross Gold Corporation and several others in Kinross Gold Corporation et al v. Cyanco Company, LLC. Douglas’ practice focuses on securities litigation and regulation, including shareholder disputes, shareholders’ class actions, M&A litigation, broker liability suits, regulatory proceedings, criminal prosecutions and related internal investigations.
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin made three appearances
Sarah Armstrong, partner, represented defendant PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in Bondfield Construction Company Limited, Through Its Litigation Trustee, Terrence O’Sullivan v. Deloitte LLP et al. Armstrong’s robust practice focused on commercial and contractual disputes and class action defence.
Kimberly Potter, partner, represented defendant PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP in Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. v. Deloitte LLP et al. Potter’s practice focuses on commercial disputes, product liability (including class actions), and professional liability.
Daniel Richer, associate, represented applicant Voyager Digital Ltd. in Voyager Digital Ltd. v. De Sousa et al. Richer practices in the area of insolvency law and real property litigation.
McCarthy Tétrault in court three times
Eli Mogil, partner, represented respondent CIBC Mellon Global Securities Services Company in SS&C Technologies Canada Corp. v. The Bank Of New York Mellon Corporation et al. Mogil’s litigation practice with particular emphasis on shareholder, contractual and real estate disputes.
Junior Sirivar, partner, represented respondent Taseko Mines Limited in Franco-Nevada Corporation v. Taseko Mines Limited. Sirivar provides strategic advice to domestic and international clients across a broad range of industries including mining, financial services, telecommunications and healthcare in complex disputes.
Trevor Courtis, associate, represented applicant D. Alexander in Alexander v. DHA Holdings Inc. et al. Courtis’ practice focuses on corporate restructuring and insolvency matters and complex commercial litigation.
Stikeman Elliott appeared in three cases
Peter Howard, partner, represented plaintiff Terrence O’Sullivan in Bondfield Construction Company Limited, Through Its Litigation Trustee, Terrence O’Sullivan v. Deloitte LLP et al and plaintiff Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. in Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. v. Deloitte LLP et al. Howard’s practice focuses on commercial litigation, including securities law, class actions, commercial contracts, oppression and other types of shareholder and/or joint venture litigation and insolvency matters.
Daniel Murdoch, partner, represented defendant Cyanco Company, LLC in Kinross Gold Corporation et al v. Cyanco Company, LLC. Murdoch’s practice focuses on class actions, complex commercial litigation and insolvency and restructuring matters.