Computershare's upcoming webinar delves into why CPCs are an enticing route to go public

This article was produced in partnership with Computershare. For more information on helping your clients IPO intelligently, please visit Computershare’s website.
In a time of increasing market volatility, Capital Pool Companies (CPCs) are an increasingly attractive option for companies looking to go public, but they’re also an option not everyone is cognisant of.
“People automatically think about IPOs, but this is another avenue for companies that are looking to list,” says David Cavasin, General Manager, Pacific Canada at Computershare. “We want to bring more awareness to the TSXV’s CPC program and provide information to help companies take the route that works best for them.”
CPCs bring many benefits, including having knowledgeable professionals involved at every step of the process – a critical differentiator in a volatile market. Having that level of expertise involved to advise on timing, first steps, and best practices is a great value-add, Cavasin notes.
In the spirit of exploring the topic more thoroughly, Computershare is hosting an upcoming webinar, Understanding Capital Pool Companies & emerging trends. In addition to a bird’s eye view of the process including the history of the CPC program, the free industry session will also dive into associated challenges and the tools necessary to navigate them, what you should be aware of when preparing a client for a CPC transaction, and the key steps in the planning journey.
Cavasin – who will be joined by other subject matter experts including Computershare colleague Mike Tuff, Vice President, Law Firm Business Development; Kyle Araki, Director, Capital Formation at the TSX Venture Exchange; and Melinda Park, Partner at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG) – calls the webinar “essentially a step-by-step introduction to the program: we’re going to get into some of the granular stuff including how this works from the various advisors’ perspectives.”
“We want to show that cohesiveness: that the transfer agent works with counsel, in conjunction with the exchange, and illustrate how we provide a unified front to assist the company going through the qualifying transaction on the private side as well as the management groups that provide the CPCs.”
Whether you’re looking for an introduction to CPCs, want to learn about how the experts involved work together to make the process as efficient as possible, or are curious about more details on why this may just be a more enticing avenue than the IPO route, secure your spot for the webinar today.
David Cavasin is the General Manager for Computershare Canada, Pacific and has been with Computershare for over 15 years. Prior to his current role, he served as a Manager of Client Services for Computershare Investor Services.