Bennett Jones, McCarthy Tetrault each appeared in four Commercial List cases this week

A corporate commercial case involving $223 million continues with Bennett Jones associate Shaan Tolani for the plaintiff and Polley Faith partner Andrew Faith representing the defendants.
Among the commercial cases this week, the most notable case is Shanghai Lianyin Investment Co., Ltd. v. Lu et al with a concerned amount of $233 million. Bennett Jones associate Shaan Tolani represented the plaintiff. Polley Faith partner Andrew Faith represented two defendants. Other defendants in the action appear to be unrepresented.
Bennett Jones LLP appeared in four cases
Jeffrey Leon, partner, represented the Province of Manitoba and several others in Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited et al v. JTI-Macdonald Corp. et al. Leon’s practice involves domestic and cross-border securities, commercial, corporate, product liability, professional negligence, and health-care proceedings.
Sean Zweig, partner, represented the Province of British Columbia and several others in Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. v. Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited et al. Zweig acts for insolvent corporations, creditors, bondholders, boards of directors, shareholders, trustees in bankruptcy, monitors, receivers, and landlords in a variety of domestic and cross-border matters under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, and the Canada Business Corporations Act.
Thomas Gray, associate, represented plaintiff MPX International Corporation in MPX International Corporation et al v. Ninth Square Capital Corporation et al. Gray has a general corporate commercial practice with a focus on insolvency and restructuring.
Shaan Tolani, associate, represented plaintiff Shanghai Lianyin Investment Co., Ltd. in Shanghai Lianyin Investment Co., Ltd. v. Lu et al. Tolani carries on a general litigation practice with an emphasis on corporate and commercial disputes, securities litigation, and financial crime.
McCarthy Tétrault lawyer in three cases, associate in one additional case
Paul Steep, counsel, represented G. Voorheis in The Catalyst Capital Group Inc et al v. West Face Capital Inc. et al and Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. in both Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited et al v. JTI-Macdonald Corp. et al and Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. v. Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited et al. Steep carries on a broad commercial litigation practice with a specific focus on securities litigation including class actions.
Jessica Mank, associate, represented applicant Harbourfront Corporation (1990) in Harbourfront Corporation (1990) v. The Art Gallery at Harbourfront. Mank maintains a general litigation practice with focuses on areas including securities, shareholder disputes, corporate governance, major construction, infrastructure, procurement and matters of professional liability.
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP in court three times
Ryan Jacobs, partner, represented applicant Kingsett Mortgage Corporation in Kingsett Mortgage Corporation v. Sunrise Acquisitions (HWY 7) Inc. Jacobs has developed a leading cross-border restructuring practice in Canada.
Natalie Levine, partner, represented Sungard Availability Services in Sungard Availability Services (Canada Ltd./Sungard, Services de Continuite des Affaires (Canada) LTEE v. Digital Toronto Nominee, Inc. et al. Levine’s practice focuses on corporate restructurings with an emphasis on debtors, DIP lenders and informal committees in cross-border proceedings
Stephanie Voudouris, partner, represented Northern Superior Resources Inc. in Royal Fox Gold Inc. v. Northern Superior Resources Inc. Voudouris as an active commercial litigation practice with a focus on securities litigation.
Three appearances for Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Deborah Glendinning, partner, represented Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited in Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited et al v. JTI-Macdonald Corp. et al and Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. v. Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited et al. Glendinning practices nationally - defending and strategically advising on the avoidance of complex business critical multi-jurisdictional class actions and other large aggregate claims, particularly corporate, commercial and banking disputes, product liability and negligence claims.
Christopher Naudie, partner, represented Tridelta Investment Counsel Inc. and several others in Tridelta Investment Counsel Inc. et al v. GTA Mixed-Use Developments GP Inc. et al. Naudie practises corporate and commercial litigation, with a strong focus on corporate litigation, class action defence and cross-border litigation.
Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP partner in court for two big tobacco cases; firm in one other commercial case
Andrew Lokan, partner, represented plaintiff Commissionaires (Great Lakes) in Commissionaires (Great Lakes) v. Alexander et al. Lokan practices in the areas of constitutional law, appeals, administrative law, labour and employment law, and pension litigation.
Ken Rosenberg, partner, represented Her Majesty in right of Alberta and one other in Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited et al v. JTI-Macdonald Corp. et al and Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. v. Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited et al. Rosenberg’s practice involves corporate commercial litigation, insolvency litigation, administrative law, cross-border disputes and mediation.
Stikeman Elliott LLP appeared in three cases
Eliot Koilers, partner, represented Shopify Inc. in Shopify Inc. v. Mo Raquib Farooqui Hedge Fund Bankers Law Corporation et al. Kolers’ expertise in the areas of corporate commercial litigation, class actions, securities litigation and competition litigation matters.
Maria A Konyukhova, partner, represented Independent Electricity System Operator in Sungard Availability Services (Canada Ltd./Sungard, Services De Continuite Des Affaires (Canada) LTEE v. Digital Toronto Nominee, Inc. et al. Konyukhova exclusively practices in the area of insolvency law, representing debtors, court appointed monitors, court officers, secured lenders and purchasers.
David Byers, senior counsel, represented B.A.T. INDUSTRIES P.L.C. and several others in Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. v. Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited et al. Byers is highly experienced in complex commercial litigation, including product liability, securities, insolvency and insurance, as well as in domestic and international arbitration.