Everyone will be working together to impact and improve our local ecosystems: Lilley Canada GC

Global healthcare company Lilly Canada will participate in the annual Global Day of Service – an initiative encouraging Lilly employees around the world invest their time and talent through a volunteering effort to impact local communities.
On Oct. 15 Lilly Global Day of Service Canada will partner with not-for-profit Ocean Wise to clean-up waterways, and collect garbage from other places to prevent it reaching waterways.
"Canada decided to do something different this year for our contribution to the larger global initiative," says Jill Daley, general counsel and corporate affairs lead at Lilley Canada. "For the first time, all Lilly Canada employees will unite with one shared goal, and whether you are on the Pacific shore or a small creek in Ontario, everyone will be working together to impact and improve our local ecosystems."
Ocean Wise has been a champion of clean waterways for over 50 years. From humble beginnings in Vancouver in 1951, the organization has grown into a global environmental charity that addresses overfishing, ocean pollution and climate change.
"There is such enthusiasm from employees about our Global Day of Service and we are so excited to resume this important philanthropic effort in person after two years, as a result of the pandemic," says Rhonda Pacheco, general manager at Lilly Canada. "LGDOS unites everyone at Lilly and connects us back to our purpose, helping directly in communities that we call home."
Following the cross-country volunteer effort, Lilly Canada will work with Ocean Wise to log all of the data from each site, so that the total volume of waste can be measured, and the impact quantified.