Other firms with commercial list appearances include Miller Thomson, Blakes, BLG, Cassels, Torys

Minden Gross represented the plaintiff in a multimillion-dollar case, while Miller Thomson, Blakes, BLG, Cassels, Dickinson Wright, Pape Chaudhury, Rochon Genova, and Torys appeared in numerous actions before the Commercial List this week.
The week’s most notable commercial case was Chriscwe Holdings Inc. v. Oasis Global Inc. et al, valued at $9,278,602.85. Catherine Francis, partner in Minden Gross LLP’s litigation and bankruptcy and insolvency groups, acted for plaintiff Chriscwe Holdings. The defendants Oasis Global Inc. and J. Rivers appeared to be unrepresented.
Miller Thomson LLP represented BMO in two cases, firm involved in third case
Tony Van Klink, partner, represented applicant Bank of Montreal in Bank of Montreal v. Lake Trading Newcastle Inc. and in Bank of Montreal v. Lake Trading Goderich Inc. He practises insolvency and restructuring law and related commercial litigation with a focus on receiverships, bankruptcies, security agreement enforcement, commercial debt recovery, and proceedings under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act.
Asim Iqbal, partner, represented applicant Hazelton Development Corporation in Hazelton Development Corporation v. Bennett Jones LLP et al. Asim’s practice focuses on insolvency and restructuring law.
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP appeared in two cases
Gordon McKee, partner, represented respondent Janssen Inc. in Paladin Labs Inc. et al v. Mylan Pharmaceuticals ULC and BGP Pharma ULC et al. He has experience defending class action lawsuits and serious product liability claims.
Ryan Morris, partner, represented the applicant in M v. R. His practice covers corporate, transactional, securities and broker/dealer litigation, as well as regulatory proceedings and class actions.
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP in two commercial cases
Roger Jaipargas, partner, represented applicant Royal Bank of Canada in Royal Bank of Canada v. Cutler Forest Products Inc. et al. His practice focuses on commercial insolvency and restructuring.
Ira Nishisato, partner, represented the plaintiff in Vivendi Ticketing U.S. LLC v. Up in Code Inc. et al. His practice includes complex commercial litigation, commercial fraud, investigations, cybersecurity and information technology litigation, intellectual property litigation, and international disputes.
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP in court twice
Monique Sassi, partner, represented applicant Superette Inc. in Superette Inc. v. SNDL Inc. Sassi practises in the area of international and domestic corporate restructurings.
John Birch, partner, represented respondent Pre-sale Purchasers (Highlight of Mississauga Project) in Hazelton Development Corporation v. Bennett Jones LLP et al. He has acted for debtors, creditors, receivers, monitors, trustees, and directors in various proceedings under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act.
Dickinson Wright LLP appeared in two cases
David Preger, partner, represented plaintiff Owemanco Mortgage Holding Corporation in Owemanco Mortgage Holding Corporation v. Concept Lofts Ltd. et al. He also acted for applicant C & K Mortgage Services Inc. in C & K Mortgage Services Inc. v. 2781774 Ontario Inc. He focuses on complex court-supervised real estate workouts, primarily for court-appointed receivers and senior mortgage-lenders.
Pape Chaudhury LLP involved in two commercial cases
Paul Pape, partner, represented defendant Don Carbone Entertainment Inc. and two others in The Estate of Michael G. Degroote by His Estate Trustees, James Alexander Watt and Timothy John Counsell v. DC Entertainment Corporation et al. He also acted for applicant A. Pajak in Pajak v. Carbone et al. His litigation practice focuses on complex commercial, securities, class action, professional negligence, and administrative matters with an emphasis on appeals.
Rochon Genova LLP appeared in two cases
Peter Jervis, partner, represented plaintiff X. Zhang and several others in Zhang et al v. Liu et al. He also acted for plaintiff S. Hua and numerous others in Hua et al v. Liu et al. His practice primarily involves securities litigation, class action litigation, complex commercial and financial litigation, and constitutional and administrative law litigation.
Torys LLP in two cases
Arlen Sternberg, partner, represented respondent Rogers Communications Inc. in 2356802 Ontario Corp. v. 285 Spadina SPV Inc. et al. His practice focuses on business litigation with an emphasis on administrative and corporate commercial law.
Andrew Gray, partner, represented respondent R in M v R. His litigation practice involves corporate and securities litigation, matters under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, and strategic commercial disputes.