Torys lawyers make appearances in five commercial suits this week

Bennett Jones LLP represented plaintiffs in a multimillion-dollar commercial case, while Torys, Aird & Berlis, Lenczner Slaght, Osler, Blakes, BLG, Dentons, Fasken, McCarthy Tétrault, and Stikeman Elliott also made appearances in commercial list matters this week.
This week’s most notable commercial case was the $111-million Anson Advisors Inc. et al v Stafford et al. Here, Bennett Jones LLP partner Robert Staley represented plaintiff Anson Advisors Inc. and three other plaintiffs. On the other side, Kim Spencer McPhee Barristers PC principal Won J. Kim represented defendant R. Doxtator and one other defendant. The other defendants were apparently unrepresented.
Torys LLP appeared in five cases this week.
John Fabello, partner, represented defendant Union Securities Limited in Caja Paraguaya de Jubilaciones y Pensiones del Personal de la Itaipu Binacional v Obregon et al. His practice focuses on securities litigation, financial services regulatory matters, and complex corporate and commercial litigation.
Andrew Gray, partner, represented applicant Franco-Nevada Corporation in Franco-Nevada Corporation v Taseko Mines Limited and represented applicant Bank of Montreal and several other applicants in Bank of Montreal et al v The Superintendent of Financial Institutions. His litigation practice involves corporate and securities litigation, Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act matters, and strategic commercial disputes.
Linda Plumpton, partner, represented defendant Stronach Consulting Corp. in Stronach v Stronach et al. She has experience in competition litigation, class action defence, corporate/commercial disputes, and securities litigation.
Arlen Sternberg, partner, represented respondent Rogers Communications Inc. in 2356802 Ontario Corp. v 285 Spadina SPV Inc. et al. His practice focuses on business litigation with an emphasis on administrative and corporate commercial law.
Aird & Berlis LLP appeared in three cases this week.
Sam Babe, partner, represented applicant Ispan Systems LP in Ispan Systems LP. He has a restructuring and insolvency practice.
Sanjeev Mitra, partner, represented applicant Duca Financial Services Credit Union Ltd. in Duca Financial Services Credit Union Ltd. v Theodopolis Development Corp. His practice focuses on bankruptcy and insolvency law.
Steve Tenai, partner, represented applicant 1843208 Ontario Inc in 1843208 Ontario Inc. His practice focuses on class action, securities, M&A, corporate, commercial, oppression, and privacy-related litigation.
Bennett Jones LLP appeared in three cases this week.
Nathan Shaheen, partner, represented plaintiff 7539088 Canada Inc. and one other plaintiff in 7539088 Canada Inc. et al v Slattery et al. His practice focuses on financial crimes, anti-money laundering, and complex commercial litigation.
Apart from acting in Anson Advisors Inc. et al v Stafford et al., Staley represented respondent QS Camclair Limited and several others in Minz et al v Minz et al. His practice focuses on complex commercial and securities litigation, securities regulation, shareholder activism, and class actions.
Lenczner Slaght appeared in three cases this week.
Caroline Humphrey, associate, represented plaintiff EVS (Edge Value Solutions) Canada Ltd. in EVS (Edge Value Solutions) Canada Ltd. v Nestle Canada Inc. She practises in areas including class actions, competition law, contract disputes, and professional negligence.
Matthew Sammon, partner, represented plaintiff F. Minz and one other plaintiff in Minz et al v Minz et al. He has litigation experience across areas such as complex corporate and commercial litigation, professional liability and medical malpractice, and employment cases.
Mark Veneziano, partner, represented defendant M. Hosain and one other defendant in Durrani et al v Khan et al. He has a litigation practice encompassing commercial litigation, professional liability, shareholder disputes, insurance coverage, securities, and construction and real estate law.
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP appeared in three cases this week.
Laura Fric, partner, represented respondent Pharmascience Inc. and two other respondents in Purdue Pharma L.P. et al v Sandoz Canada Inc. et al. She focuses on complex commercial litigation. She has defended many companies facing large class actions.
Deborah Glendinning, partner, represented respondent Sanis Health Inc. and two other respondents in Purdue Pharma L.P. et al v Sandoz Canada Inc. et al. She has defended and advised on the avoidance of complex business critical multi-jurisdictional class actions and other large aggregate claims.
Craig Lockwood, partner, represented defendant A. Ossip in Stronach v Stronach et al. He has experience in class proceedings, product liability matters, securities regulation, commercial banking litigation, and pension litigation.
Christopher Naudie, partner, represented plaintiff Tridelta Investment Counsel Inc. and several other plaintiffs in Tridelta Investment Counsel Inc. et al v GTA Mixed-use Developments GP INC. et al. He practises corporate and commercial litigation with a focus on corporate litigation, class action defence, and cross-border litigation.
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Michael Barrack, partner, represented defendant B. Stronach and several other defendants in Stronach v Stronach et al. He is a commercial litigator who has represented clients in criminal jury trials and civil and constitutional appeals.
Linc Rogers, partner, represented respondent Janssen Inc. in Purdue Pharma L.P. et al v Sandoz Canada Inc. et al. He has advised stakeholders in complex domestic and cross-border restructurings, distressed acquisitions, and distressed financings
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Cynthia Clarke represented respondent Purdue Pharma and one other respondent in Purdue Pharma L.P. et al v Sandoz Canada Inc. et al. She is the firm’s national group head for clients, sectors, and new services.
James Douglas, senior counsel, represented plaintiff Kinross Gold Corporation and two other plaintiffs in Kinross Gold Corporation et al v Cyanco Company, LLC. His practice focuses on securities litigation and regulation, including shareholder disputes, shareholders’ class actions, M&A litigation, broker liability suits, regulatory proceedings, criminal prosecutions, and related internal investigations.
Dentons Canada LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Kenneth Kraft, partner, represented applicant 1582378 Alberta Ltd. in 1582378 Alberta Ltd. v Canada Loyal Financial Limited et al. He focuses his practice on insolvency and finance, both secured and unsecured.
Douglas Stewart, partner, represented respondent Freedom Mobile Inc. in 2356802 Ontario Corp. v 285 Spadina SPV Inc. et al. His practice focuses on commercial and civil litigation with an emphasis on professional liability and insurance-related matters.
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Jonathan Lancaster, partner, represented respondent 1391013 Ontario Ltd. and one other respondent in A. Wilkes Investments v Commport Communications International Inc. et al. Lancaster’s litigation practice focuses on corporate commercial litigation, commercial real estate litigation, lease arbitrations, banking law, product liability litigation, professional negligence, and estate litigation.
Peter Pliszka, partner, represented respondent Sandoz Canada Inc. in Purdue Pharma L.P. et al v Sandoz Canada Inc. et al. His practice focuses on product liability, class action, commercial, and insurance litigation matters.
McCarthy Tétrault LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Heather Meredith, partner, represented respondent Paladin Labs Inc. in Purdue Pharma L.P. et al v Sandoz Canada Inc. et al. Her practice focuses in the areas of commercial insolvency, restructuring, bankruptcy, and related litigation.
Junior Sirivar, partner, represented respondent Taseko Mines Limited in Franco-Nevada Corporation v Taseko Mines Limited. He advises domestic and international clients across industries including mining, financial services, telecommunications, and healthcare in complex disputes.
Stikeman Elliott LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Daniel Murdoch, partner, represented defendant Cyanco Company, LLC in Kinross Gold Corporation et al v Cyanco Company, LLC. His practice focuses on class actions, complex commercial litigation, and insolvency and restructuring matters.
David Byers, senior counsel, represented applicant Purdue Pharma L.P. in Purdue Pharma L.P. et al v Sandoz Canada Inc. et al. He has experience in complex commercial litigation, including product liability, securities, insolvency, insurance, and domestic and international arbitration.