Canadian Lawyer invites you to participate in its Top Personal Injury Boutiques survey

Canadian Lawyer invites you to participate in its annual Top Personal Injury Boutiques survey, proudly sponsored by Carol Bierbrier & Associates. Law firms included in the list practice exclusively or almost exclusively in this area.
Readers are invited to take part in this year’s survey to help determine the best firms. All answers will remain confidential.
Please note that the list is not definitive. If you would like to nominate a firm that is not included in the list, email Tim Wilbur at [email protected]. To qualify, firms must have a minimum of 80 percent of their revenue from personal injury.
The Top Personal Injury Boutiques report, proudly supported by the International Network of Boutique Law Firms (INBLF), will be published on Canadian Lawyer’s website in June.
Take the Top Personal Injury Boutiques survey before it closes on Friday, March 3.