Adair Goldblatt Bieber, Addario Law Group, Bennett Jones work on $4.445-billion commercial case

Aird & Berlis, Bennett Jones, BLG, Gardiner Roberts, Goodmans, Miller Thomson, Norton Rose Fulbright, Reconstruct, Teplitsky, and Torys made appearances in two or more commercial list matters before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice this week.
The week’s most notable commercial suit was the $4.445-billion case Sakab Saudi Holding Company et al v Saad Khalid S Al Jabri et al. Bennett Jones LLP partner Amanda McLachlan advised Sakab Saudi Holding Company and eight other plaintiffs.
Addario Law Group LLP partner Andrew Max acted for defendant M. Al Jabri and seven other defendants. His practice includes commercial and shareholder disputes, oppression remedies, director and officer liability, and professional liability.
Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLP founding partner John Adair advised defendant K. Al Jabri. He litigates matters involving commercial law, partnership disputes, and professional negligence. The other defendants appeared to be unrepresented.
The next most notable commercial suit was the $111-million case Anson Advisors Inc. et al v Stafford et al. Bennett Jones LLP partner Robert Staley acted for Anson Advisors Inc. and three other plaintiffs.
Won J. Kim, a principal at Kim Spencer McPhee Barristers P.C., advised J. Stafford and two other defendants. Kim argues cases involving securities, shareholder remedies, and contractual remedies. The other defendants appeared to be unrepresented.
Bennett Jones LLP appeared in four cases this week.
McLachlan, who worked on the Sakab Saudi case, focuses on civil fraud, employment litigation, and securities disputes and investigations.
Staley, who was involved in the Anson Advisors case, has experience in commercial and securities litigation, securities regulation, shareholder activism, and class actions.
Joshua Foster, associate, represented applicant Trichome Financial Corp. in Trichome Financial Corp. et al v The Attorney General of Canada on Behalf of His Majesty the King in Right of Canada as Represented by the Canada Revenue Agency. He assists with the financial restructuring of distressed companies.
Aiden Nelms, associate, advised applicants Kingsett Mortgage Corporation and Dorr Capital Corporation in Kingsett Mortgage Corporation and Dorr Capital Corporation v Stateview Homes (Minu Towns) Inc., Stateview Homes (Nao Towns) Inc., Stateview Homes (On the Mark) Inc., and Stateview Homes (High Crown Estates) Inc. et al. He has a restructuring and insolvency practice.
Torys LLP appeared in three cases this week.
Jeremy Opolsky, partner, acted for D. Percy and two other plaintiffs in Percy et al v 2428580 Ontario Inc. et al. Opolsky handles business law disputes such as commercial cases, insolvency litigation, and public law matters.
Arlen Sternberg, partner, represented respondent Rogers Communications Inc. in 2356802 Ontario Corp. v 285 Spadina SPV Inc. et al. He deals with business litigation focusing on administrative, employment, and corporate commercial law.
Stacey Reisman, senior associate, advised applicant Mithaq Capital SPC in Mithaq Capital SPC v Aimia Inc. She works on commercial litigation, securities law, administrative law, and class actions.
Aird & Berlis LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Steven Graff, partner, acted for respondent Waygar Capital Inc. in Quality Rugs of Canada Limited v Waygar Capital Inc., as Agent for Ninepoint Canadian Senior Debt Master Fund L.P. et al. He is co-practice group leader of the firm’s financial services group.
Sanjeev Mitra, partner, represented applicant Royal Bank of Canada in Royal Bank of Canada v Bricktown Co-operative Development Corporation et al. He focuses on bankruptcy and insolvency law.
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP appeared in two cases this week.
David Di Paolo, partner, advised plaintiff Scotia Capital Inc. in the $47-million case of Scotia Capital Inc. v Wellington-Altus Private Wealth Inc. et al. He is the firm’s national group head for disputes.
Bevan Brooksbank, partner, acted for defendant Independent Electricity System Operator in 1199403 Ontario Inc. et al v Saptashva Solar S.A. et al. He handles commercial litigation, shareholder and contractual disputes, oppression remedy litigation, and franchise disputes.
Gardiner Roberts LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Christopher Besant, partner, represented applicant Quality Rugs of Canada Limited in the Quality Rugs case. He co-leads the firm’s financial services group.
Kevin Fisher, partner, advised G. Vastis and one other plaintiff in Vastis et al v Kommatas et al. He has experience in commercial matters involving the appointment of receivers and managers, oppressive conduct applications, fraud investigations, insolvency, and contracts.
Goodmans LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Dan Block, partner, acted for plaintiff Actra Performers’ Rights Society in the $43.1-million case Actra Performers’ Rights Society v Re:Sound et al. He focuses on corporate and commercial litigation and arbitration.
Tom Friedland, partner, represented applicant Rockliff Metals Corporation in Rockliff Metals Corporation v Hudbay Minerals Inc. His litigation experience spans corporate/commercial, securities, environmental, and municipal law matters.
Miller Thomson LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Tony Van Klink, partner, advised respondent Vifloor Canada Ltd. in the Quality Rugs case. He handles commercial litigation focusing on receiverships, bankruptcies, security agreement enforcement, and commercial debt recovery.
James Zibarras, partner, acted for defendant Canada Investment Corporation in 2384419 Ontario Inc et al v 1 Plus 12 Corporation et al. He works on cases involving contractual breach, oppression remedy, sale of goods, employment, construction, and insolvency.
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Jennifer Stam, partner, represented Validus Power Corp. by the Receiver and five other applicants in Validus Power Corp. by the Receiver et al. She also advised respondents Stateview Homes (Minu Towns) Inc., Stateview Homes (Nao Towns) Inc., Stateview Homes (on the Mark) Inc., and Stateview Homes (High Crown Estates) Inc. in the Kingsett Mortgage case.
Stam’s practice focuses on commercial insolvency, corporate restructuring, corporate law, bankruptcy, and financial services.
Reconstruct LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Caitlin Fell, founding partner, acted for respondent TLSFD Taurasi Holdings Corp. in the Kingsett Mortgage case. She practises commercial law focusing on restructurings, insolvency, secured transactions, reorganizations, workouts, and debtor/creditor law.
R. Brendan Bissell, partner, represented applicant Canadian Equipment Finance and Leasing Inc. in Canadian Equipment Finance and Leasing Inc. v The Hypoint Company Limited et al. He focuses on insolvency, restructuring, and commercial litigation.
Teplitsky LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Stephen Brunswick, partner, advised respondent C. Bock in the Canadian Equipment case. He handles cases involving commercial, real estate, and professional negligence matters.
James Wortzman, partner, acted for defendant C. Kommatas in the Vastis case. He deals with commercial litigation focusing on real estate development, municipal, contract, and construction disputes.