Menon made significant contributions to the ALA

President of the ASEAN Law Association – The Honourable the Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon of Singapore – has announced that he will be relinquishing his post.
The announcement came at the at the 14th ALA General Assembly last week.
Chief Justice Menon was elected ALA President in July, 2018, at the 13th General Assembly. In his post, he sought to enhance the relevance of ALA within the ASEAN community and strengthen ALA's links with ASEAN.
Under Menon’s guidance, ALA submitted four concept notes to the ASEAN Secretariat in 2019, which have, been placed before the ASEAN Senior Law Officials. These efforts, in addition to the Guidelines on Best Practices on the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards within ASEAN, reinforce ALA's role as a think-tank in key areas of interests to ASEAN.
The ASEAN Secretariat has also explored a series of capacity-building programmes with ALA, including training on investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms which is slated to take place in Jakarta in 2024.
Another area of focus for the ALA under Menon’s leadership was the formation of an ALA National Committee in the Lao PDR to complete the membership of ALA.
Menon holds the vision that the induction of young blood into ALA is key to its effectiveness. Two signature projects were established during his term as president - Virtual Training Marketplace which matches attachments and training opportunities offered by law firms in ASEAN to young lawyers across the region; and ASEAN Moot which will become the primary outreach mechanism for ALA to introduce and expose law students to ASEAN legal instruments and legal issues.
ALA is a non-governmental, regional law association that is committed to helping promote peace and prosperity in ASEAN through legal cooperation and the advancement of the rule of law.