Adair Goldblatt Bieber, Blakes, McCarthy Tétrault handle $4.445-billion commercial case

Bennett Jones, Blakes, BLG, Dickinson Wright, Fasken, Goodmans, Gowling WLG, Miller Thomson, and Minden Gross made appearances in at least three commercial list matters before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice this week.
The week’s most notable commercial suit was the $4.445-billion case Sakab Saudi Holding Company et al v Saad Khalid S Al Jabri et al. Bennett Jones LLP partner Amanda McLachlan advised Sakab Saudi Holding Company and eight other plaintiffs.
Addario Law Group LLP partner Andrew Max acted for M. Al Jabri and seven other defendants. His practice includes commercial and shareholder disputes, oppression remedies, director and officer liability, and professional liability.
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP partner Ryan Morris advised Black Stallion Investments Limited and two other defendants. Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLP founding partner John Adair acted for defendant K. Al Jabri. He litigates matters involving commercial law, partnership disputes, and professional negligence.
McCarthy Tétrault LLP partner Andrew Matheson advised defendant Dreams International Advisory Services Ltd. He heads the firm’s national white collar and investigations group. The other defendants appeared to be unrepresented.
The next most notable commercial suit was the $333,309,379.73 case Romspen Investment Corporation v Woodbine Mall Holdings Inc. et al. Dickinson Wright LLP partner David Preger acted for applicant Romspen Investment Corporation.
Oleg Roslak, a civil and commercial lawyer at Himelfarb Proszanski LLP, advised Woodbine Mall Holdings Inc. and five other respondents. Darryl Singer, head of the commercial and civil litigation group of Diamond and Diamond Personal Injury Lawyers, acted for respondent Y. Boltyansky.
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP partner Stuart Brotman advised respondent First Commercial Bank. Lawrence Thacker, a Lenczner Slaght partner who handles mergers and acquisitions, acted for respondent Niceforo Enterprises Inc.
A third notable commercial suit was the $40-million case Romspen Investment Corporation v Tung Kee Investment Canada Ltd. et al. Preger from Dickinson Wright advised plaintiff Romspen Investment Corporation. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP partner Roger Jaipargas acted for defendant Amber Mortgage Investment Corp. Tung Kee Investment Canada Ltd. and one other defendant appeared to be unrepresented.
Bennett Jones LLP appeared in six cases this week.
McLachlan, who worked on the Sakab Saudi case, focuses on civil fraud, employment litigation, and securities disputes and investigations.
Joseph Blinick, partner, represented applicant Spark Power Group Inc. in a case of the same name. He focuses on corporate commercial disputes, securities litigation, class actions, and bankruptcy and insolvency matters.
Nathan Shaheen, partner, advised Discovered Capital Inc. and two other defendants in Accipio Research Capital Inc. et al v Discovered Capital Inc. et al. He handles financial crimes, anti-money laundering, and complex commercial litigation.
Robert Staley, partner, acted for QS Camclair Limited and nine others in Minz et al v Minz et al. He co-heads shareholder activism and critical situations at the firm.
In Tacora Resources Inc. v First Insurance Funding of Canada Inc et al, partner Richard Swan represented respondent Ad Hoc Group of Noteholders, while partner Kevin Zych advised respondent Computershare Trust Company. Swan co-heads the litigation and dispute resolution department and the commercial litigation practice group, and Zych co-heads the restructuring and insolvency practice group.
Milan Singh-Cheema, associate, acted for applicant Genesis Mortgage Investment Corporation in Genesis Mortgage Investment Corporation v 1776411 Ontario Ltd. et al. He has a general restructuring and insolvency law practice.
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP appeared in five cases this week.
Jaipargas, who worked on Romspen Investment Corporation v Tung Kee Investment Canada Ltd. et al., focuses on commercial insolvency and restructuring.
Denise Bambrough, partner, represented respondent Westmount Guarantee Services Inc in the Genesis Mortgage case. She handles construction and surety bond disputes and civil fraud investigation and recovery matters.
Bevan Brooksbank, partner, advised defendant Independant Electricity System Operator in 1199403 Ontario Inc. et al v Saptashva Solar S.A. et al. He deals with complex shareholder and contractual disputes, oppression remedy litigation, and franchise disputes.
Ian Matthews, partner, acted for applicant J. Bayliss in Bayliss v Plethora Exploration Corp. His experience includes complex commercial litigation and appellate disputes.
Ira Nishisato, partner, represented applicant Sociedad Concesionaria Metropolitana de Salud S.A. in Sociedad Concesionaria Metropolitana de Salud S.A. v Webuild S.P.A. He focuses on complex commercial litigation, commercial fraud, investigations, and cybersecurity.
Miller Thomson LLP appeared in five cases this week.
Emily Durst, partner, advised respondent ABA Architects Inc. in the Genesis Mortgage case. She is developing a broad practice in commercial litigation, insurance defence litigation, and alternative dispute resolution.
Molly Luu, partner, acted for Accipio Research Capital Inc. and one other plaintiff in the Accipio Research case. She focuses on tax litigation.
Kevin Sherkin, partner, represented Queen St. 1501 Inc. and one other respondent in Kauffman v Queen St. 1501 Inc. et al. He focuses on commercial litigation, construction matters, and shareholder disputes.
Tony Van Klink, partner, advised respondent Vifloor Canada Ltd. in Quality Rugs of Canada Limited v Waygar Capital Inc., as Agent for Ninepoint Canadian Senior Debt Master Fund L.P. et al. He practises insolvency and restructuring law and related commercial litigation.
James Zibarras, partner, acted for C. Fazari and two other defendants in the $11,000,000 case Kauffman v Fazari et al. He has extensive experience representing clients on a wide range of civil litigation matters.
Dickinson Wright LLP appeared in four cases this week.
Preger, who worked on both Romspen Investment cases, also represented respondent Rosen Goldenberg Inc. in Kauffman v Fazari et al. He handles court-supervised real estate workouts, primarily for court-appointed receivers and senior mortgage-lenders.
Michael Brzezinski, insolvency and litigation lawyer, advised applicant Morrison Laurier Mortgage Corporation in Morrison Laurier Mortgage Corporation v Morrison Financial Mortgage Corporation et al.
Gowling WLG appeared in four cases this week.
Thomas Gertner, partner, acted for respondent CMLS Financial Ltd. in the Genesis Mortgage case. He focuses on banking and insolvency law.
Clifton Prophet, partner, represented applicant Meridian Credit Union Limited in Meridian Credit Union Limited v 2607380 Ontario Inc. He heads the firm’s financial institutions litigation group.
Kate Yurkovich, associate, advised applicant Vector Financial Services Limited in Vector Financial Services Limited v Village Developments Inc. and acted for applicant Meridian Credit Union Limited in Meridian Credit Union Limited v 2612536 Ontario Inc. She practises in the firm’s financial services group.
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP appeared in three cases this week.
Morris, who worked on the Sakab Saudi case, focuses on corporate and transactional matters, securities and broker/dealer litigation, regulatory proceedings, and class actions.
Gordon McKee, partner, represented respondent Janssen Inc. in Paladin Labs Inc. et al v Mylan Pharmaceuticals ULC and BGP Pharma ULC et al. He defends class action lawsuits and serious product liability claims.
Doug McLeod, partner, advised defendant MNP LLP in SIF Solar Energy Income & Growthfund et al v Solar Income Fund Inc. et al. He practises complex commercial litigation with a focus on securities litigation.
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP appeared in three cases this week.
Brotman, who worked on Romspen Investment Corporation v Woodbine Mall Holdings Inc. et al, leads the firm’s global insolvency and restructuring group.
Gideon Forrest, partner, acted for respondent Fiera Capital Corporation, on behalf of the Fiera Diversified Lending Fund, in the Morrison Laurier case. His litigation and dispute resolution practice focuses on corporate and commercial matters.
David Hausman, partner, represented defendant Milkwood Capital (UK) Ltd. in Aimia Inc. v Mittleman et al. He practises exclusively in the field of securities litigation.
Goodmans LLP appeared in three cases this week.
Robert Chadwick, partner, advised Paladin Labs Inc. and one other applicant in the Paladin Labs case and acted for Yellow Corporation and four other applicants in Yellow Corporation et al v Teamsters Local Union 938 et al. He focuses on corporate financing and restructuring.
Jerred Kiss, associate, represented K. Dickey and three other defendants to the counterclaim in the Aimia case. He is developing his practice in the areas of corporate/commercial litigation and dispute resolution.
Minden Gross LLP appeared in three cases this week.
Raymond Slattery, partner, advised C. Kauffman as an applicant in Kauffman v Queen St. 1501 Inc. et al and as a plaintiff in Kauffman v Fazari et al. Slattery is involved in all facets of insolvency litigation.
A. Irvin Schein, partner, acted for A. Blustein and 15 others in the SIF Solar case. He chairs the firm’s litigation group.