Miller Thomson and Fogler, Rubinoff also appear in multiple commercial cases this week

Adair Goldblatt Bieber, Addario Law Group, Bennett Jones, McCarthy Tétrault, and Blake, Cassels & Graydon made appearances in a multibillion-dollar commercial list matter before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice this week.
The week’s most notable commercial suit was the $4.445-billion case Sakab Saudi Holding Company et al v Saad Khalid S Al Jabri et al. Bennett Jones LLP partner Amanda McLachlan advised Sakab Saudi Holding Company and eight other plaintiffs.
Addario Law Group LLP partner Andrew Max acted for M. Al Jabri and seven other defendants. His practice includes commercial and shareholder disputes, oppression remedies, director and officer liability, and professional liability. Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP partner Ryan Morris advised Black Stallion Investments Limited and two other defendants.
Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLP founding partner John Adair acted for defendant K. Al Jabri. He litigates matters involving commercial law, partnership disputes, and professional negligence. McCarthy Tétrault LLP partner Andrew Matheson advised defendant Dreams International Advisory Services Ltd. The other defendants appeared to be unrepresented.
Bennett Jones LLP appeared in four cases this week.
McLachlan, who worked on the Sakab Saudi case, focuses on civil fraud, employment litigation, and securities disputes and investigations.
Joseph Blinick, partner, represented applicant Nobul Technologies Inc. in Nobul Technologies Inc. v Reed et al. He focuses on corporate/commercial disputes, securities litigation, class actions, and bankruptcy and insolvency matters.
Milan Singh-Cheema, associate, advised applicant Genesis Mortgage Investment Corporation in Genesis Mortgage Investment Corporation v 1776411 Ontario Ltd. et al. He has a general restructuring and insolvency law practice.
Aiden Nelms, associate, acted for applicant Enlightened Funding Corporation in Enlightened Funding Corporation v Velocity Asset and Credit Corporation et al. He also has a general restructuring and insolvency law practice.
Chaitons LLP appeared in four cases this week.
Harvey Chaiton represented respondent M. Siccardi in Lighthouse Immersive Inc. and Lighthouse Immersive USA, Inc. v Siccardi et al and advised applicant Neli Financial Incorporated in Neli Financial Incorporated v Frontline Broadband Inc. et al.
Chaiton also acted for Marshallzehr Group Inc. as an applicant in the cases of Marshallzehr Group Inc., as Administrator v 12252856 Canada Inc. et al and Marshallzehr Group Inc. v King Square Ltd. et al. He is a partner practising in the areas of bankruptcy and insolvency.
Fogler, Rubinoff LLP appeared in four cases this week.
Vern DaRe, partner, represented O.M. Arab and one other plaintiff in Arab et al v Kam et al. He exclusively focuses on bankruptcy and insolvency law and creditor and debtor rights.
Milton Davis, partner, advised applicant Melville Springs Development Company Limited in Melville Springs Development Company Limited v Bradley Court Limited et al. He deals with banking and real estate litigation, corporate and shareholder disputes, and mortgage remedies.
Justin Jakubiak, partner, acted for respondent 15320 Bayview Avenue Holdings Limited in Mastermind GP Inc v 15320 Bayview Avenue Holdings Limited et al. He has a broad litigation, administrative law, and automotive law practice.
Robert Macdonald, partner, represented applicant 12823543 Canada Ltd in 12823543 Canada Ltd v Mizrahi Commercial (The One) GP Inc. et al. He focuses on debtor and creditor disputes, mortgage litigation, bankruptcy and insolvency cases, and real estate disputes.
Gowling WLG appeared in four cases this week.
Thomas Gertner advised respondent CMLS Financial Ltd. in the Genesis Mortgage case and acted for respondent Vector Financial Services Limited in Marshallzehr Group Inc., as Administrator v 12252856 Canada Inc. et al.
Gertner also represented applicant Otéra Capital Inc. in Otéra Capital Inc. v 2495065 Ontario Inc. He is a partner focusing on a broad range of commercial matters, with an emphasis on banking and insolvency law.
David Lobl, partner, advised Niazi Holdings Incorporated and one other defendant in Floriri Village Investments Inc. v Niazi Holdings Incorporated et al. He co-leads the firm’s national private client services group.
Miller Thomson LLP appeared in four cases this week.
In MCAP Financial Corporation v Vandyk-Backyard Kings Mill Limited et al, partner Riccardo Del Vecchio acted for respondent Dircam Electric Limited. Paul Guaragna, partner, represented respondent Viola Ready Mix Inc. Kevin Sherkin, partner, advised respondent Dolvin Mechanical Contractors Limited.
Del Vecchio co-leads the firm’s construction litigation group. Guaragna focuses on construction litigation. Sherkin works on commercial litigation, with an emphasis on construction matters, shareholder disputes, and real estate litigation.
Emily Durst, partner, acted for respondent ABA Architects Inc. in the Genesis Mortgage case. She is developing a broad practice in commercial litigation and insurance defence litigation.
Kyla Mahar, partner, represented applicants Lighthouse Immersive Inc. and Lighthouse Immersive USA Inc. in the Lighthouse Immersive case. She focuses on corporate restructuring, insolvency, recapitalizations, refinancing, and distressed acquisitions.
Gina Rhodes, associate, advised applicant Field Trip Health & Wellness Ltd. in Field Trip Health & Wellness Ltd. et al. She focuses on insolvency and restructuring litigation and complex commercial litigation.
McCarthy Tétrault LLP appeared in three cases this week.
Matheson, who worked on the Sakab Saudi case, heads the firm’s national white collar and investigations group.
Heather Meredith, partner, acted for respondent 12771888 Canada Inc. in MBL Administrative Agent II LLC, v Trade X Group of Companies Inc., et al. She focuses on commercial insolvency, restructuring, and bankruptcy litigation.
Eric Freeman, associate, represented plaintiff PayFacto Payment Inc. in PayFacto Payment Inc. v Dye & Durham Limited et al. He maintains a general litigation practice.
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Morris, who worked on the Sakab Saudi case, focuses on corporate and transactional matters, securities and broker/dealer litigation, regulatory proceedings, and class actions.
Linc Rogers, partner, advised respondent Lego Canada Inc in the Mastermind case. He handles complex domestic and cross-border restructurings, distressed acquisitions, and distressed financings.
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Natalie Renner, partner, acted for applicant MBL Administrative Agent II LLC in the MBL Administrative case. She focuses on insolvency, corporate reorganizations, asset sales and acquisitions, and creditor rights enforcement.
Kristine Spence, partner, represented applicant Mastermind GP Inc in the Mastermind case. She works on class actions, contract disputes, and securities law disputes.
Dentons Canada LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Arthur Hamilton, partner, advised respondent Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange in Toronto District School Board et al v Ontario School Boards' Insurance Exchange. He belongs to the firm’s litigation and dispute resolution, insurance, and fraud and asset recovery groups.
John Salmas, partner, acted for respondent Trade X Group of Companies Inc. in the MBL Administrative case. He belongs to the firm’s restructuring, insolvency, and bankruptcy group and corporate law group.
Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP appeared in two cases this week.
Jeffrey Larry represented respondent Lhimp (ABC), LLC in the Lighthouse Immersive case and advised respondent Vandyk-Backyard Kings Mill Limited in the MCAP Financial case. He is a partner with extensive experience in complex commercial, securities, and insolvency litigation.