CL+ is Canadian Lawyer’s premium subscriber-only service, which offers a wealth of essential information for the legal profession
Litigation Wire: Deals Wire: Data Reports: The In-House Counsel Index: Exclusive legal analysis and news
- Law firm league tables
- Which law firm represents which clients
- Significant litigation cases added daily
- Cases searchable via practice area, court, law firm or lawyer
- Ranking of # of cases by law firm and lawyer
- Case Summaries
- Details of lawyers, law firms, in-house counsel* involved
*in-house counsel included where applicable
- Law firm league tables
- Which law firm represents for which clients
- Significant deals added daily
- Deals searchable via deal type, industry, law firm or lawyer
- Summary of each deal
- Details of lawyers, law firms, in-house counsel* involved
*in-house counsel included where applicable
- Legal fees
- Legal salaries
- NextGen lawyers
If you or your firm worked on a deal or case that is not listed here, please inform us and we will update accordingly.
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